


Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 9AM - 6PM Sat: Noon - 4 PM


Deep Tissue

This modality offers a deeper pressure application to treat musculoskeletal issues and some sports injuries. This massage can relieve muscle pain or stiffness as well as provide stress-relief to body and mind. There is often a psychological release felt along with physiological.

Trigger Point Therapy

This therapeutic modality applies pressure to hyperirritable spots, AKA "knots", in the body, allowing for pain and tension relief. The direct pressure can cause the muscles to twitch or jump. Often, when applying pressure to these knots, the body can feel pain or discomfort is a different area of the body.


This modality is a treatment of pain by a type of massage that pressure is applied on certain areas of the body which will increase blood flow to that area as well as the targeted focus area.

Swedish Massage

This massage modality is utilized to relax you, relieve some stress and pain from the aching muscles. Swedish massage involves rubbing, kneading, stroking, and tapping muscles on the neck, shoulders/arms, back, buttocks, and legs.


This alternative, non-invasive, treatment allows the therapist to gently place their hands on your back, neck, and head to alleviate tension. This allows proper energy to flow in the body and opens up the interstitial areas of the bones. This energy flow can cause slight dizziness or lightheaded feeling afterward.

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Our team members have over 10 years experience.